Fourteen years ago Kristie Bjorklund Davidson had a dream. She always had a passion for educating kids and wanted to help them turn their mundane daily homework and school projects into a positive, FUN experience. Growing up, she herself struggled in school with finding ways to keep learning interesting and exciting. These struggles propelled her to combine the computer revolution with everyday after school homework help on a weekly basis in the home setting. Over the years, she has worked with many amazing families. By implementing her “Edutainment” philosophy she has had the opportunity to change the educational experience in the home by combining online safety, tech skills, & life skills.
New technology has provided Kristie with a never ending curriculum ranging from using phonics on an Ipad for teaching a 3 year old early reading to using typing software, so that kids enter into middle school with at least 50 wpm. This gives them the tools to stay ahead of their education, and feel confident and secure. As an avid LA surfer girl and proud step mother of three, she has enjoyed proving that technology can be a wonderful educational tool, if used in a safe controlled environment. Her hope is to bridge the gap between parents and their children’s tech life.