Championing proactive, professional education for Life Skills used daily.

Parenting 2.0 first began gathering Life Skills professionals around the globe in the Parenting 2.0 group on LinkedIn in 2009. Today, Parenting 2.0 has more than 13 thousand members in 37 countries and hosts the world's only international conference for Life Skills professionals, P20 Talks. P20's educational non-profit, The Global Presence, has Ambassadors around the globe and recognizes individuals and organizations that have contributed magnanimously in the Life Skills arena with the annual Global Presence Humanitarian Award.

Championing proactive, professional education for Life Skills used daily.

Beyond Parenting 1.0

Currently, parents typically provide the bulk of Life Skills education – parents rarely formally educated in critical Life Skills themselves. Barring personal crisis, few individuals further their education after reaching adulthood.

Parenting 2.0 advocates a paradigm shift, where Life Skills receive the same respect routinely afforded academics, sports and music.

The Paradigm Shift of Parenting 2.0

Parenting 2.0 (P20) is an international consciousness movement dedicated to a more egalitarian, proactive and compassionate Life Skills educational process for all persons – at every age. Foundations of our advocacy include:

Defining Life Skills as “Skills learned in some measure by every human being.”

Illuminating the relationship between a primarily passive Life Skills educational process and chronic societal problems.

Retiring acceptance of children simply “learning what they live.” As academics prove daily, children learn what societies deem worthy of proactively teaching them.

Affirming that Life Skills education – like academics – benefits from multiple educators passionate about their subject areas and a plethora of age-appropriate resources.

Replacing behavioral lenses with educational lenses.

Respecting the core role of Life Skills in individuals, and the communities they construct, thriving.

Providing Life Skills professionals a unified platform from which to expand social consciousness.

Underscoring the necessity of greater humility as knowledge of the human body expands daily.

Promoting the concept of Life Skills Report Cards.

Recognising Life Skills professionals around the globe with the honorary title of Global Presence Ambassador.


Kiss Your Mirror! The Change is here!

If you are reading this we know you are already helping others thrive in ways large and small daily. Parenting 2.0, and its educational nonprofit The Global Presence, applaud your contributions and exist to support you!

Support P20 advocacy by:

Sharing #LovingArmsLinked selfies and stories on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Join discussions in our Parenting 2.0 group on LinkedIn

Use the #GlobalLifeSkillsDay when sharing Life Skills related educational posts.

Signing The Global Presence Pledge as an Individual or Organization.

Join discussions in our Parenting 2.0 group on Facebook.

Participate in Global Life Skills Day. 

Emailing  humorous videos of your children learning Life Skills (sleeping, eating, cleaning bedrooms, fighting, being kind – the important things!) via our Contact Page.

Raised: $1,205,100
Goal: $2,505,100