Enhancing Global Life Skills Education

The three-pronged goals of The Global Presence include:

Illuminating the centrality of Life Skills for individuals and the communities they construct thriving.

Unifying and supporting Life Skills Educators.

Promoting a more proactive and professional Life Skills educational process for all persons.

The Global Presence

Formally registered as an educational non-profit and 501(c)3 organization in the United States, The Global Presence shares Parenting 2.0’s advocacy for a more dynamic educational process for Life Skills in regions around the globe.

Life Skills, as defined by Parenting 2.0 are: “Skills every human being learns in some measure”.  Examples include environmental, emotional, and financial literacy.

Life Skills educators began aggregating in the Parenting 2.0 group on LinkedIn in 2009. Today, Parenting 2.0 is LinkedIn’s top-ranked parenting group, unifying over 13,000 Life Skills educators in more than 50 countries. Ambassadors for their educational non-profit, The Global Presence, hosts the world’s only professional conference for Life Skills educators – P20 Talks.

Global Presence Ambassador is an honorary designation that recognizes the contributions of pioneers in the life skills arena working around the globe. .

I pledge to support 21st-century education for 21st-century Life Skills.

I pledge compassion, patience and optimism with myself and others

as we learn the Life Skills necessary to thrive individually and commune optimally.

I pledge to respect every level of Life Skills education equally.

I pledge humility in my role as a Global Presence Humanitarian.

I pledge gratitude for the opportunity to link loving arms with others

in service to humanity.

The Global Presence Board of Directors

The Global Presence Board of Directors

President, Marlaine Cover, MPA
Vice President, Daniel Ibarrondo, J.D., Ed.D.
Secretary, Mag Secretario, BFA
Treasurer, Julia Neiman, MSW
Community Relations, Abigail Dourado, BEcon, BCom

The Global Presence Founding Members

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed that’s all that ever has. Margaret Mead.

Every humanitarian organization, regardless of how large, began with a handful of visionaries who were willing to think outside the box and invest time, faith, and resources in a new course of action to serve the greater good. The following individuals focused passionately on the proactive education of Life Skills in their professional lives and collaborated to seed the formation of The Global Presence. We recognize their contributions here, with gratitude and for eternity, as Founding Members of The Global Presence.

The Global Presence Ambassadors

“Global Presence Ambassador” is an honorary designation awarded passionate Life Skills pioneers around the world. Ambassadors come from a broad array of backgrounds and professions, reflecting the diversity of Life Skills employed in the twenty-first century and a glimpse of future vibrancy.

Global Life Skills Day


The anchoring event for The Global Presence public advocacy is Global Life Skills Day – held annually the third Thursday in October.

Ideas for Celebration:

Presentation of the 2024 Global Presence Humanitarian Award

to Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman.
was held in Cape Town, South Africa.