No longer genetic inheritance

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Parents, day care providers, and relatives, are typically your first and most influential educators of Life Skills. How you eat, stand, play with others and solve problems all are learned, initially, from them.  Where did they learn Life Skills?  From a nutritional college, non-violent communication clinics, spiritual retreats?

Not usually… The bulk of their Life Skills were learned from their parents, from their actions.  If their parents stood tall, they stood tall, if their parents ate junk food, they ate junk food, if their parents screamed and yelled, they learned to scream and yell. The hard truth of the matter is – despite an abundance of uniquely qualified educators – the Life Skills’ educational process more closely resembles genetic inheritance than academics.

If the first great irony in life is that the most important and widely shared job on earth – parenthood – has yet to merit any formal preparation, the second greatest irony is that we accept the Life Skills our parents teach us as if we were computer clones.  Even if we hated the quality of Life Skills learned – barring some major personal crisis that requires us to examine their inferiority – we typically do very little to assess our abilities and continue our education once we become adults.

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