Rick Ackerly is the founder and president of The Genius in Children, a loose association of educators on the mission of changing how Americans think about the education of young children. His first book The Genius in Children: Bringing out the Best in Your Child lays out principles of good practice for parents and other educators through stories about children in the process of learning how to become themselves. Rick writes for various publications and websites including geniusinchildren.org and speaks to school and parent groups around the country.
An educator since 1967, Rick spent thirty-four years as head of independent schools in four cities in the United States, specializing in turnaround situations. He is currently working with schools through Horizons National and with parents and schools in Decatur, IL. Rick has a Masters in Education from Harvard University in addition to graduate work at the University of Massachusetts and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He has four children, one stepdaughter and six grandchildren.