Paul Rosengard

Paul Rosengard

Paul Rosengard is known internationally for his creative writing and innovative pedagogical methods, which have been proven effective in improving physical activity programs, teacher effectiveness, and student outcomes. To date, he has over 25 publications in professional journals, has authored or co-authored 16 curriculum books for teachers (including the popular SPARK programs), and conducted nearly 400 professional workshops and conference presentations worldwide.

Rosengard has contributed as an intervention director and consultant to many benchmark national studies/projects in the United States including SPARK, TAAG, M-SPAN, Pathways, PEACH, OPprA, OPI, POPI, HELM, Beyond the Borders, and the Nike2GO and Let Me Play campaigns (which he wrote for NIKE). These studies focused in the fields of physical education, after school programs, early childhood, and coordinated school health.

Rosengard was also appointed the first Deputy Director of the California Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (1996) and was selected as one of 20 Special Advisors to the Governor’s Council in the last Schwarzenegger administration. He has personally written and received awards/projects totaling over $12 million dollars and currently serves on two executive boards, one in Colorado and the other in India. He is currently the Executive Director of the SPARK Programs of San Diego State University and has instructed future teachers at the University of California, at San Diego for 11 years, and Cal State San Marcos for four years.
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